Downy Woodpecker

Life Span:

Possible to live 70-100 years!

What do they look like?

These are one of the most common woodpeckers in Alberta. They have a shorter bill and are smaller when compared to other woodpeckers. They have white bellies with black backs that have white streaks and spots. Male downy woodpeckers will have a red spot on the head, while females will not. Downy Woodpeckers will make lots of noise, whether its pecking in trees or ‘singing’.

What is their Habitat?

They were naturally known to be found in the open woods near a water supply but have now adjusted to our human development and can be found in your backyard or parks!

What do they eat for food?

Downy Woodpeckers eat different types of insects like beetle larvae that is hidden under the bark of trees, or ants and caterpillars. Berries, grains and acorns are also some food the Downy Woodpecker would enjoy!
